🛒How to buy WARP
Step 1) Set up your wallet to work with the Binance Smart Chain
Metamask guide:
TrustWallet guide:
Step 2) Obtain BNB (BEP20) to swap for $WARP tokens.
Step 3) Swap BNB for $WARP using this Pinksale address: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x79420B576b59dA877Cd5aAcF167A5CbB99798222?chain=BSC
Step 4) Add the smart contract address of $WARP (0x94F6a3e1DAEfE5a5bEa9085b287D54cc55d31348) as a custom token in your decentralized wallet.
Feel free to follow these guides:
(for Metamask).
(for TrustWallet).
Step 5) When presale is finished, the WARP BSC token will be live on our DEX. In order to buy, swap BNB into $WARP through this link: https://swap.warpbsc.com/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x94F6a3e1DAEfE5a5bEa9085b287D54cc55d31348 Make sure the slippage is set to at least 5-7%.
Last updated